Get Involved in Policy & Advocacy

Influencing Food & Nutrition Policy in PA and Across the US

Whether it’s federal legislation, national issues or discussions in other states, at the end of the day, all politics is local. Get involved in grassroots advocacy by connecting with your state affiliate, scheduling meetings with members of congress, attending a local fundraiser, representing ANDPAC at an affiliate meeting or finding active state legislation that may be relevant to Academy policy priority issue areas.

How can I get involved?

  1. Complete Action Alerts: Be a voice for better food, nutrition and health policies. Action alerts allow us to bring the Academy's policy issues to the attention of members of Congress and help to raise awareness and add legitimacy to a particular priority issue. Available to both Academy members and the public, it takes a minute to support specific bills or topics, share your view with your elected officials and advocate for strong nutrition policy. Action Alerts


  1. Join An Academy Affinity Group: Get involved and connect with fellow Academy members to advocate for top policy priorities impacting our profession. The affinity groups meet once a month and are a forum-based event where staff, policy leaders and members discuss Academy advocacy priorities and strategies, share their experience and determine how they can become involved in advocating. Groups include MNT expansion, Nutrition Security, Maternal & Child Health, Dietary Guidelines, Licensure Initiatives, Reimbursement & Payment, and health equity & Diversity. Join the Academy Affinity Groups


  1. Contacting your PA state Legislators or federal Legislators: engaging with your PA legislator is easier than you think!  Call or email your PA legislator to request a meeting. Check out these tips from the Academy! Engaging with Congress Members; How to Meet with Your Congress Members; and Find Your Legislator - PA General Assembly


  1. Keep up-to-date with active state legislation: use this interactive map to view active state legislation including bill status, bill text, and action taken. State Legislative Tracking Map


  1. Attend the Nutrition and Dietetic Advocacy Summit (Nutrition and Dietetics Advocacy Summit): Connect with hundreds of food and nutrition practitioners of all skill levels to take a deep-dive into key policy issues that impact the health of the nation and dietetics profession. Attendees will also sharpen communication skills and develop new, high-level personal and professional relationships.

  2. Support your Political Action Committee (PAC): A political action committee, called a PAC (“pack”), is a group that collects contributions from its members and then uses the pooled fund to support political candidates.
    1. PANDPAC is the PA Academy of Nutrition and Dietetic PAC – supports all PAND legislative activities. Donate here: PANDPAC
    2. ANDPAC is the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics PAC. Donate here: ANDPAC Donation